2009 Virtus Capital Ltd was founded
• Virtus Capital Ltd was founded in Limassol, under the name “EMEX-Emerging Markets Experts Ltd”, as an international consulting company, focusing on emerging markets.
Strategic Partner in Greece
- In June 2011, Capital Markets Experts S.A. was founded, benefiting in it’s first steps of the strategic advisory of EMEX. Both companies signed a Strategic cooperation MoU, focusing in businesses in Balkan Area.
- First International Project in Croatia
EMEX expressed the interest in buying 25 to 45 percent of Zagreb Stock Exchange, on behalf of an institution belonging to the financial industry of Europe, triggering a huge debate in the local market..and not only.
- Share Participation in Capital Markets Experts S.A.
- In December 2013, Capital Markets Experts increased its share capital. Our company participated in the capital increase, and by end of the day, we became the leading shareholder, holding the 64,7% of the total shares.Till that point, CAMEX had 3 listings in NEA market of Cyprus Stock Exchange :ECHMI S.A. Investment Consulters, Kerverus Holding IT (Cyprus) Plc and INTERLIFE General Insurance Company S.A.
- New Listings in N.E.A. market of C.S.E.
- During the year, 3 more companies became listed in NEA market of C.S.E., having CA.M.EX. as Nominated Advisor : SNP Southeast Network Public Ltd, D.&S. ΑΝΑSTOPOULOS S.A. and Plata Management Public Ltd.
- Increase of Share Participation in Capital Markets Experts S.A.
- Till December 2017, and after a series of shares transactions, our company increased its position in Capital Markets Experts share capital to 93,86%. Second shareholder became the General Director of the Company, mr. Constantine Bakalbasis with and third, the Chairman & C.E.O. mr. Dimitrios Chomatas.
- New Listings in N.E.A. market of C.S.E.
- During the year, 3 more companies became listed in NEA market of C.S.E., having CA.M.EX. as Nominated Advisor : Alpha Pastries-Athanasios Koukoutaris S.A., Κ. Κουιmtzis S.A., First Advisory And Holdings S.A. . All of them are seated in Greece.
- 10th Year Anniversary
- On April 10th, 2019 Virtus Capital celebrated its 10th year anniversary, making our staff proud for the first decade of business success.
- New Listings in N.E.A. market of C.S.E.
- During the year, 2 more companies became listed in NEA market of C.S.E., having CA.M.EX. as Nominated Advisor : Pandora Consultancy Services Plc (seated in UK) and IQ GMG – Intensive Quality Global Medical Group Public Ltd.
Membership as Nom.Ad. of N.E.A. market
- Mid of October 2020, Virtus Capital Weiss applicated to become Nominated Advisor on Emerging Companies Market (E.C.M. – N.E.A. market) of the Cyprus Stock Exchange (C.S.E.).
- Membership as Nom.Ad. of EN.A. market
- End of September 2020, Virtus Capital Weiss applicated to become Nominated Advisor on Alternative Market (EN.A. market) of the Athens Stock Exchange (A.S.E.).
- New Listings in N.E.A. market of C.S.E.
- During the year, two more companies became listed in NEA market of C.S.E., having CA.M.EX. as Nominated Advisor : Vitafarm S.A. and G. Arvanitakis Group Public Ltd.